Architectural Control Request Form

WPA covenants and restrictions require that all improvements to your property require approval by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). WPA has an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) comprised of three WPA lot owners who volunteered to serve in this capacity. A request form was developed to help ease the process for homeowners and the newly formed ACC. The form will help homeowners by identifying all the necessary documents needed for a comprehensive submission and it will also provide all of the necessary information for the ACC to review thus making the whole process move more quickly. You can find the current form here:  ACC-Request-Form.pdf (19382 downloads )  

2021 Woodlake Fishing Tournament

Approximately 15 Woodlake homeowners and guests participated in our 2021 fishing tournament that was held on May 29th. Even though the rain showers from the day before threatened to cancel the event, fishermen and fisher-women set out to cast their lines.

The largest catfish, caught by Richard “Bones” Keough, weighed in at 7.4 pounds. Bones is an avid fisherman at Woodlake and also caught a couple of stringers full of croppie. Several good bass were caught by John Jahnke and fishing partner Charlie Gilbert, John Tollett, Colton Watson, Mia Saldana and her fishing partner Luke Schumann, Mark Huff and son Chris, and Dylan Huff. There was a tie for largest bass, 2.8 pounds, caught by Skylar Sonnier, fishing partner to Kristofer Brunson, and Luke Schumann. Skylar and Luke drew straws to determine the winner.

Ten-dollar Academy gift certificates were awarded to “Bones” Keough for largest catfish and to  Skylar Sonnier for the largest bass. The WPA fishing trophy for largest bass will reside with Kristofer Brunson as the resident of Woodlake for the winning bass. Snacks and water were provided for participants and residents who came by to visit. We appreciate all of the neighbors that stopped by to say hello.

Many thanks to Steve Saldana who volunteered to lead this years’ fishing tournament, to John Jahnke for providing a canopy and fish scale for the event and to WPA board members Robert Patterson and Linda Huff for helping out. We hope everyone had a great time and look forward to the tournament next year.